
Hey there, Jewelry Maker!

Do you want to add wire weaving to your skillset? If so, you’ve come to the right place because wire weaving mastery begins right here at Door 44 Studios. My name is Wendi, and I’m the wire weaver behind Door 44. I love to teach and I’ve found that the best way to teach wire weaving is through clear instruction using simple, modular designs. I strive to create designs that are both accessible for beginners and fun for intermediate jewelry makers. So, regardless of your background or your primary jewelry making discipline, you’ll learn useful skills and techniques here. You’ll also find lots of fun wirework components that you can blend with your own designs to create truly handcrafted artisan jewelry. So, but sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter below and let's make something beautiful!

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I 💖Sweater Pins!

Hi, Reader! Do you like to wear scarves? I was never a fan until I learned to crochet a few years ago. But now I'm completely obsessed. They're the perfect crochet project when you need a little instant gratification. They make great gifts, and they're the perfect fall and winter accessory. The only problem is that I don't like wearing necklaces and scarves together. So, I always find myself debating between a scarf or a necklace when I get dressed in the morning. It's such a tough call some...

Hiya, Reader! Do we ever really outgrow hoop earrings? I sure hope not because I still love to wear some pretty hoops now and then. And with Valentine's Day coming up in a couple of weeks, this seemed like the perfect time to share my fun heart-shaped hoop earrings. The Latest Tutorial These earrings are a breeze to make. The basic hoop is made with a single piece of 20g jewelry wire. Don't you just love a good one-piece design? And the beauty of this simple design is that you can make your...

Hello, Reader! Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees MC Hammer dancing in baggy pants in my head when I read that subject line. Still, I couldn't resist using that famous phrase because it says exactly what's going on behind Door 44 this week. Sometimes picking the low-hanging fruit is just the right thing to do! 🤷♀️ The Latest Tutorial This week's tutorial is the long-awaited hammer texturing lesson that I promised you ages ago. Texturing is pretty easy, once you've learned to use...

Hey there, Reader! What's your favorite metal? I'm a Leo, and I always have to chuckle when I read about how gold is DEFINITELY my color. 🙄 I've never liked gold or any other yellow-toned metal, for that matter. For the longest time, all I ever wore was silver-toned metals. That is until I started making wire jewelry and I fell head-over-heels in love with copper. Lately though, I've found myself powerfully drawn to all the gorgeous graphic brass jewelry that I see. And it's everywhere! Brass...

Hiya, Reader! Can you believe it's already July? I hope you have plans to enjoy some quality time with loved ones this weekend. And, for my fellow US citizens, have a very happy 4th of July! I've posted this week's video one day early because we'll be celebrating the holiday with Matt's wonderful family tomorrow. I'm dying to see my adorable niece and nephew whom I haven't seen in ages. So, that's what I'll be doing for the rest of this weekend. Here's what's happening behind Door 44 today....

Thanks so much for your patience, Reader. I'm very pleased to announce that the Twig Pendant Make-Along officially begins now. Hooray! 🙌 Part 1 of the Twig Pendant MAL went live on my YouTube channel just moments ago, so be sure to watch. Also, I've created some additional resources for you. First, you'll find a handy project resource guide on my blog, which includes shoppable links to all the tools and materials that I use to make my own Twig Pendants. Secondly, there's a new and improved...

Hey, Reader! As you may recall from last week, I asked you to vote for the designs that you most want to see in the make-along video format. Not surprisingly, the Twig Earrings and Twig Pendant came out on top after all the votes were tallied. These are my most enduringly popular designs. And it just so happens that they're perfect for spring. So, I can't think of a better design for my March Make-Along series! I may even see if I can work a Twig bracelet into that series. I've been wanting...